By John Washburn, 19 September, 2023

ODO 38568 - scouting parking spots for concert - Fitz and the Tantrums

By John Washburn, 14 September, 2023

ODO 38485 - short warm up ride - great temps. New battery in Trek computer.

By John Washburn, 11 September, 2023

ODO 38464 - Trail along I70 - Trek computer was not connected for first half mile and probably some of the ride in Durango. Reconnected and away we went. 

On the drive back from Glenwood Springs to Broomfield, noticed a nice trail along I70 from Glenwood Springs to keep in mind for next trip there.

Altitude and headwinds were noticeable/

By John Washburn, 6 September, 2023

Odo 38448 short ride on trail by stream in town

Altitude and out of shape

By John Washburn, 30 August, 2023

Odo 38443 getting around to see sites

By John Washburn, 24 August, 2023

Odo 38431 short ride on dechutes trail

By John Washburn, 23 August, 2023

ODO 38425 - most of the park is closed due to files. Had a camping spot and rode my bike around the area to see power station and fire camp that houses 300 fire fighters.